The new face of forwarding services.
MEGA DIRECT U.K. LTD, was established in 2021, with the initiative of a team of people with many years of experience in international transportation and cargo logistics, we decided to found MEGA DIRECT U.K. LTD, since then we have grown rapidly and today we have offices in China, U.K and Europe.

Customer Driven Technology
By putting you at the heart of everything we do, we embrace your needs, adapting to consistently deliver the highest service levels which we constantly monitor, with digital tools to measure performance and monitor satisfaction. By providing the information you need, when you need it, there’s no need to ask. You Just know. Total supply chain visibility and control is just one-click away.
Original thought on international trade and the supply chain
New UK Global Tariff Published and more
With various relaxations to the lockdown being announced recently, there is another sign that life is slowly coming back to normal – Brexit; Departure from the Customs Union is now ba [...]
Supporting the NHS through Covid-19
The Coronavirus pandemic is having a profound impact on our society – from our physical and mental health, to our supply chain and beyond. In challenging conditions, our industry must [...]
Coronavirus: Supply Chain Update
With the UK Government poised to take its social distancing advisory into actual mandate, managing your supply chain remotely has never been a more critical point. At Unsworth, we a [...]
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